What is digital media? That’s a simple and complex question to answer. I’m sure everyone reading this has encountered the term “digital” in relation to media in some form, whether it be digital recording, digital marketing or something else. However, I don’t think many people know exactly what digital media is and how it is used. Therefore, I will be discussing this in more detail and hopefully help make this term more clear to you.
The definition
Digital media is exactly what the name suggests, digital media. This form of media exists within the digital world. In the 21st century, digital media has become the most efficient way to distribute content.

Aside from social media and mobile apps, digital media refers to more traditional forms of media such as television, movies, newspapers, magazines and books that are produced in digital format. Basically, any form of media that is available online. Digital media can include anything from websites and blogs to social media and email. It is not just about delivering the same type of content faster and cheaper; it’s also about creating new experiences for consumers.
What is digital media used for?
Digital media can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, it can be used to entertain people; it can be used to inform people about certain issues in the world around them; or it can be used to help people find answers to questions they have about the world around them.
The advantages of digital media compared to traditional media
It’s more interactive.
Digital media is interactive, meaning that it allows users to interact with it in a way that traditional media doesn’t. This can be anything from comments on a news article to poll questions on an article. It can also be used to create an experience where the user is part of the story, not just an observer. For example, if you’re reading a romance novel with the option of choosing different characters’ actions as you read along, this is an example of digital media that has been integrated into a story in order to make it more interactive than traditional novels.

It’s accessible from anywhere.
Digital media allows users to access content from anywhere at any time—and if you have WiFi or cellular service, you are good to go! You don’t need to be at home or near your computer in order to see what’s happening in the world around you or participate in conversations about those events happening around you (and even beyond). This also means that news travels faster and more people can stay informed.
It’s more personalised.
It is targeted towards your needs as a reader or viewer (or listener). Digital media can cater its offerings specifically towards what it thinks would best suit your tastes based on your previous actions online.